Saturday, September 28, 2013

What is Social Groups?

Ø      Social Groups (Social Interaction is the basic condition)
“A Social Group is two or more people who identify and interact with one another.” J.J Macionis
A.W Green “An Aggregate of individuals which persists in time, which has one or more interests or activities in common and which is organized.”
                        Basis of Social Group  
Importance of Social Groups
            It is basic factor in all social functions, social structures, and social                                  institution, system and organizations.
            Important in human life and must for the continuity of human race.
            Need fulfillments
Group life among Animals
Types of Social Group
1.      Primary Group
2.      Secondary group
3.      In-group and out-group (W.G Sumner.)
4.      Formal and Informal Group
5.      Reference Group(serve as a point of comparison)
6.      Ethnic Group
7.      Caste
8.      Pressure Group
9.      Vested Interest Group
10.  Club
11.  Voluntary Associations

1.      Primary Group
Charles Horton Cooley, “A primary group is a small social group whose members share personal and lasting relationships.
Characteristics of Primary Group
                                                                                I.      Face-to-face interaction
                                                                             II.      Intimacy
                                                                           III.      Mutual Aid and help
                                                                          IV.      Consciousness of kind
                                                                             V.      We-Feeling
                                                                          VI.      Small in size
                                                                        VII.      Physical proximity or nearness
                                                                     VIII.      Frequent interaction
                                                                          IX.      Personal relation
                                                                             X.      Similarity of background
2.      Secondary Group
“Secondary groups is large and impersonal group whose members pursue a specific goral or activity.”
Ogburn and Nimkoff, “Groups which provide experience lacking in intimacy can be called secondary group.”
Characteristic of Secondary Group
                                                                                  I.      Large in size
                                                                               II.      Less physical proximity
                                                                             III.      Impersonal or secondary relation
                                                                            IV.      Membership
                                                                               V.      Specific ends or interests
                                                                            VI.      Indirect communication
                                                                          VII.      Social Control

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