Saturday, September 28, 2013

What is Community?

Ø      Community
“Community is a social group with some degree of “we feeling” and living in a given area.” Bargardus
“The smallest testimonial group that can embrace all aspect of social life called sommunity.” Kingsley Davis
Nature and Characteristics of Community
1.      A group of people living together in an area fulfilling their needs by mutual cooperation.
2.      A group of people having a sense of belonging to place of residence create a sentiment of community.
3.      Community is a group of people having a common culture
Types of Communities
1.      Rural Community
Characteristics of Rural Community
                                                                                  I.      Small population
                                                                               II.      Lack in administrative organization
                                                                             III.      Lack of modern facilities
                                                                            IV.      Absence of big social institutions
                                                                               V.      Agrarian in nature
                                                                            VI.      Scattered housing pattern
                                                                          VII.      Equal division of labor
                                                                       VIII.      Informal interaction
                                                                            IX.      Slow interaction and social change
                                                                               X.      Celebration of events
                                                                            XI.      Homogeneity
                                                                          XII.      Traditional recreations
                                                                       XIII.      Endogamy
2.      Urban Community
Characteristics of Urban community
                                                                                  I.      Large population with administrative organization
                                                                               II.      Presence of modern facilities
                                                                             III.      Modern recreation
                                                                            IV.      Expanding Social institutions
                                                                               V.      Division of labor and specialization
                                                                            VI.      Heterogeneity
                                                                          VII.      Fast interaction
                                                                       VIII.      Changing behavior pattern
                                                                            IX.      Rapid social change
                                                                               X.      Frequent social mobility
                                                                            XI.      Least importance of caste
                                                                          XII.      Religious belief as a part of social life
                                                                       XIII.      Anonymity
                                                                       XIV.      Exogamy
Difference between Rural and Urban Communities
                                                                                  I.      Division of labor
                                                                               II.      Density of population
                                                                             III.      Nature of relations
                                                                            IV.      Environment
                                                                               V.      Social Mobility
                                                                            VI.      Social Stratification
                                                                          VII.      Size of population
                                                                       VIII.      Social differentiation
                                                                            IX.      Social interaction
                                                                               X.      Solidarity

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